The Hare Arms

Call to book
01366 382229

Changes for the Coach House….

We are up-dating our lovely Coach House dining area as part of our ongoing re-furbishment plans. The new chairs have arrived and are in use and we are now awaiting the delivery of the new tables……watch this space! The seating capacity will remain the same and the flexibility of that room allows us to cater […]

We Love Our Van…..

  Often seen buzzing around Downham Market is our little van…..mostly used for cash and carry but it is also useful for the golf clubs too! We find this is a great way of advertising, the large peacock on the side especially catches the eye. Initially it must seem a strange way to advertise the […]

The Very Merry Morris Men (and ladies)

The weather was perfect for our visiting Morris Dancers on Friday night. They provided us spectators with a very entertaining series of dances, accompanied by two ladies on accordions and the master of ceremonies, David Jackson beating the drum. Some brave people joined in and after just one dance discovered just how strenuous some of […]

Our Natural Attractions

We have had our peacocks for many years now and although they can be messy and eat the heads of flowers, we would not be without them! They have proved to be a big attraction over the years and last year, for the first time in a while, we managed to hatch out and retain […]

Eggs galore!

We thought that our hens, guinea fowl and peacocks had stopped laying eggs until we had a search in the back garden, in the most unlikely places and found this hoard!    

“Sunshine on a rainy day”

It had been a wet and and dreary day, then the sun broke through. This photo was taken in our conservatory, the vine has grown really quickly this year and will soon be our natural shade against the (hopefully) summer sun

New Blinds in the Tortoise Room

When we refurbished this lovely room last November, we disposed of the old heavy velvet curtains that were there. Unfortunately we forgot that there is a certain time of the year when the sun reaches new lows and shines directly into customers faces early evening – so problem solved with these stylish blinds that also […]

Hannah’s Fond Farewell

Lovely Hannah has been at the Hare for 11 years   Hannah started her career here as a part-time washer up, gradually rising through the ranks until she became our full time manager. She has decided to have a change of career and we wish her the very best for the future, she will be missed […]