New Arrivals!

Just appeared out of nowhere! One of our lovely white peahens has had four babies…..come and have a look at them, they are so cute!
Performing Peacocks!

Our beautiful peacocks now have their full feathers and look stunning wandering around in the back garden….
A Valentines Proposal!

A lovely customer wanted to propose to his girlfriend on Valentines night. He planned the occasion with the utmost precision, with a cake, rose and the actual ring being presented after the dinner on Valentines night. His girlfriend had absolutely no idea and when the cake arrived thought it was a birthday […]
Better late than never!

We had a very successful Christmas period last year, we met some smashing people out on their Christmas parties, together with families and friends having get togethers too. Here are just a few Christmas photos, sorry for the delay! This beautiful large garland was in our conservatory. All ready for another […]
An update on “Martha”

Well here is our ragamuffin kitten, called Martha who turned up on our doorstep in June and subsequently had FOUR kittens! She certainly is the picture of health now and is loved by us all……. After being adamant that we were not going to keep ANY of the kittens, here is what was […]

Not a lot of our customers seem to realise that we have a fairly large patio area at the back of the Coach House, which can be accessed by going towards the back garden. Consequently, it has never been used a lot, has started to look rather drab and unloved and so we have decided […]

This adorable little kitten has been semi-resident here for about 10 days now. She has been christened “Martha” as in Martha and the Vandellas, as our other cat is called Otis, after Otis Redding (christened by previous musical owners!) Despite trying to find her owners (the village is very small with only about 17 […]
A welcome sight!

Last night our customers were surprised but pleased to see our roaring fire in action, as it felt more like November than July….Otis the cat was pleased too as he took prime position right in front of the hearth!
Changes for the Coach House….

We are up-dating our lovely Coach House dining area as part of our ongoing re-furbishment plans. The new chairs have arrived and are in use and we are now awaiting the delivery of the new tables……watch this space! The seating capacity will remain the same and the flexibility of that room allows us to cater […]
We Love Our Van…..

Often seen buzzing around Downham Market is our little van…..mostly used for cash and carry but it is also useful for the golf clubs too! We find this is a great way of advertising, the large peacock on the side especially catches the eye. Initially it must seem a strange way to advertise the […]